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All the information appearing on the pages of this Web site is provided in accordance with and subject to the laws of Malta. Accordingly, by browsing or accessing this Web site you have accepted the laws of Malta as the law governing the conduct and operation of this Web site.

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The information and materials contained in this Web site are provided by DAAN Group Ltd and are for general information purposes only.

In no way does this information constitute legal, financial, tax or other forms of advice, nor should any decisions be taken based only upon such information.

We cannot accept responsibilty for any direct, indirect and consequential loss or damage which may occur from reliance on information contained in this website. Users are advised to seek our professional and specialist advice on specific issues.

Certain information contained in our website may be linked to other websites which are not under our control and which may not necessarily reflect our views on the subject matter.

This website treats legal material which is subject to change. There might be a lapse of time between any change in the laws both of Malta and of any other jurisdiction, and the time such information would be updated on the DAAN Group website ( DAAN Group Ltd accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any material found on its website.

DAAN Group does not provide quality control of external links. DAAN Group accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any material found on third party websites.

For any queries or comments, contact us on 


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In accessing this Web site you accept that electronic mail and other transmissions passing over the Internet may not be free from interference by outside parties and may not remain confidential. In consequence, DAAN Group cannot guarantee the privacy or confidentiality of any information passing over the Internet. Transmissions to DAAN Group shall be limited to requests for further information.




The information contained in and the contents of the pages of this Web site, including logos and photos, are COPYRIGHT of DAAN Group and may not be copied, transmitted, converted, transcribed, decoded or reproduced without the prior written consent of the authors.

The governing law is the Copyright Act, Chapter 415 of the Laws of Malta, and its subsidiary legislation.

This website contains external links to third party websites. Any authorisations to reproduce material from these sites must be obtained from the copyright holder concerned.


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